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Saturday, April 4
10 AM - 2 PM
@ Voss Middle School - 45 Voss Parkway - Bergheim, TX

$35 Entry Fee per car (Includes T-Shirt)
$40 on the day of.


Free entry for spectators.


Music | Vendors | Food Trucks | Silent Auction | Games & Prizes


Proceeds to benefit Voss Middle School

& the Captain Mark Tyler Voss Scholarship Fund


The Voss Middle School PTO, staff, students, and families are proud to honor our namesake, Captain Mark Tyler Voss, with a car show fundraiser in our inaugural year. Captain Voss, a 2004 graduate of Boerne High School, had a passion for both cars and planes.  During his sophomore year at BHS, Tyler received his first vehicle, a 1983 Ford Bronco.  He took an automotive course the following summer at St. Phillips College to learn all he could to obtain the skills to work on his new vehicle. On his way to class one day, he encountered a stranded vehicle in a low water crossing and, in true Tyler style, he used his Bronco to rescue the driver from a perilous situation.

While a senior at Boerne High, he received his second car, a 1990 Nissan twin-turbo 300ZX. This car became Tyler’s pride and joy, and just like so many other aspects of his life, he put a lot of hard work into it. Shortly before leaving for the Air Force Academy, the engine blew and his parents, Marcy and Wayne, towed the car up to Colorado Springs for him where he spent any free time he had putting it all back together single handedly. He even worked late at night in the Aeronautical Engineering labs machining parts for the car. 

It seems there was nothing Tyler couldn’t do once he set his mind to it – whether it was his dedication to serving his country or his hobbies and passions. Whatever he did, he gave his all and we hope to pay tribute to him with this car show in the same way we honor him each day within the halls of our school!  So please join us in celebrating Tyler’s love of cars as we raise funds for the school he is named after and for the Capt. Mark Tyler Voss scholarship fund for BISD students established by his loving family.


Click here to learn more about Captain Mark Tyler Voss.

The "Vans" Award

In honor of Capt. Voss' Nissan 300ZX and named after the RV-8 Vans aircraft he owned.

Import vehicles

The "Stratotanker"

In honor of Capt. Voss' Bronco and named after the KC-135 Stratotanker he piloted in the Air Force.

Ford Broncos - all years

The "Sabre"
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Named after the Air Force F-86 "Sabre"
(Introduced in 1949)

1959 and earlier vehicles

The "Fighting Falcon" Award
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Named after the Air Force F-16
“Fighting Falcon” (Introduced in 1978)

1960 - 1979 vehicles

The "Nighthawk" Award
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Named after the Air Force
F-117 “Nighthawk” (Introduced in 1983)

1980 - 1999 vehicles

The "Raptor"

Named after the Air Force
F-22 “Raptor”

(Introduced in 2005)

2000 - present vehicles

All registered vehicles qualify for:

Best In Show | People's Choice | Most Unique

NOTE: Registration must be received by March 15 in order to guarantee T-shirt size selection.

Check back often for updates!

RSVP to our Facebook event for the latest info.


During the car show, there will be an online silent auction. The link will go live on March 20th and all auction items will be available for viewing and bidding at the car show!

If you are interested in donating an auction item, click here.


No car show is complete without

great food! We are proud to host

the following vendors:


Berghiem Pizza Co.

What the Waffle

Wally's Deli Gourmet Subs


Space is available (but limited) for community businesses to set up a booth for advertising or selling products. Cost is $25 per booth and vendors must bring their own tables, chairs and canopies.

If you are interested in purchasing a vendor spot, click here.


Live music from C-ROCK!

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