You only need to purchase ONE membership per family (not one per student).
The Platinum Star membership level ($250) includes:
- Voting rights
- Volunteer opportunities
- Sleeve of Voss-branded cups
- T-shirt
- Decal
- Hat
- Star on Legacy Wall
If you want to help Voss Middle School soar, you can FUEL your membership by choosing an additional donation from the drop-down options or donating directly in the Eagle Store.
Voss Middle School PTO is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Tax ID Number 83-4410774
Platinum Star PTO Membership
The contact information used when you check out (either via PayPal or manually entering credit card info) will be used to contact you throughout the year. If you wish to provide alternate contact info, please include it on the Notes section of the checkout page, or send us an email!